My most recent find was this brass trough looking thing...I'm sure that's the technical name of it. For $3 how could I say no? I already had some spray paint so all I did was clean it REALLY well and spray painted it.

After I spray painted it I had no idea what I was going to put in it. I thought maybe putting mason jars in it and putting fake flowers in the jars but the jars I already had on hand were just a bit too big to fit inside. Then I thought I could just put seasonal decorations in it that I switched out every month or so but then I decided I didn't need one more dreaded thing to change every season.
Realizing I wasn't having any great ideas just coming to me I decided to look around the house for some inspiration. I looked in one of my storage closets and right when I saw the electric candles I just knew that I was going to put them in the box.
I put them in and it looked perfect but it was missing something filling in the space around them. I didn't know what to use as filler but I was sure something would come to me. It wasn't until a couple days later that I opened a bottle of wine and went to put the cork into the cork holder that I store all my corks in that inspiration struck. I have so many corks (don't judge me...okay you can judge me...I'm drinking a glass of wine as I write this post).
I picked out all of my favorite corks. Like the ones from the wineries I went to while going on the Southern Illinois Wine Trail and the cork from the Dom Perignon that my other half and I enjoyed while being served a 15 course meal by an amazing chef in Cincinnati and even the cork from the bottle of Cristal that we shared in celebration of us moving back to our home state.

The final result was a $3 table box that was filled with memories (yes they are memories including wine...but they are memories all the same).

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