I'm so thrilled to have my laundry room done! When we were looking to buy the house I knew it was going to be a room that needed remodeled but originally I thought I was going to gut it and start from scratch. Unfortunately our budget wouldn't allow that. Originally the budget included gutting the room to get rid of the paneled walls however we decided to really make it a point to pay off $15,000 in student loan debt by the end of the year so that leaves little left in the budget for home improvement. Looks like the kids bathroom will have to wait until next year to be remodeled.
Back to my pretty laundry room. It didn't look very pretty when we bought the house.

The house came with a stackable washer and dryer but we wanted to put the washer and dryer we already owned in there. It takes up more room but it's newer and I prefer not to have them stacked. There was enough room to put a mini refrigerator next to them so we can keep soda and juice boxes in there and not take up room in the main refrigerator. As you can see the laundry room was chaos. No space for baskets or detergent and it just looked sad with the darker olive green paint.

First things first. Take down the awkward cabinet by the door. Not only it it painted the same color as the walls it's also upside down. Why was it installed upside down? I have no clue but it just doesn't fit the space. It's a quality cabinet so my other half was able to put it up in his shop.

Now that the cabinet it off the wall you can see how dark the paneling originally was. The darker olive green paint doesn't look so bad in comparison to the unpainted paneling.

Time to pick a paint color. I had already painted the door turquoise a couple weeks after moving in. I wanted the wall to be a similar color but I didn't have any door paint left and my budget was minimal so I found this paint at Walmart for $16 and it matched the curtain I made for the laundry room and was close enough of a match to the door. I wanted the laundry room to be bright and cheery. This color did the trick and let's not mention that the rest of my house it pretty much decorated turquoise in every room.
First I painted the trim white. Why didn't I take a picture of the trim painted white? Ugh. I guess I can just blame that on me being so excited to just get painting out of the way because I do not like to paint.

After a night of the trim paint drying I taped off the trim and started the process of painting the walls.

I love this little trick I use when painting. I put down Press'n Seal so that any little paint splatters don't get on the ground. I didn't feel like covering the ground with plastic and the ground is concrete anyways so clean up of paint would have been simple. Luckily the Press'n Seal caught all the drips so I didn't have any paint to clean up.

Now that the walls and trim are paint we can move the washer and dryer over and start building the laundry basket holder.

My other half built the laundry basket holder in his shop then took it apart so I could paint it.

Two days of painting the pieces and it was time to assemble the laundry basket holder in the laundry room.

When I painted the holder in the shop I didn't paint the edges. I painted them once it was rebuilt in the laundry room.

I purchased this collapsible hanger holder. It is small and pops out so that I can hang laundry to dry.

I hung up the hooks that where already in the laundry room when we bought the house.

I used an old piece of wood we found in the shed that was left from the previous owner of the house. We used brackets and put it above the washer and dryer. We decorated the shelf with things we already had around the house.

Let's not forget about the sign I made that says "Laundry Sucks".
The result of this remodel is just awesome! Here's the breakdown of the cost to remodel.
$35 - the painters tape, paint tray and 2 gallons of paint (blue and white from Walmart)
$3 - pack of hooks
$14 - piece of thin wood for the back of the laundry basket holder
$95 - MDF for the laundry basket holder, trim for the corner of the room where the cabinet was, and brackets for the shelf
Total: $147
Overall, this remodel took us about a week to compete because we took our sweet time to finish it. e were not in a hurry to get it done so we made sure to really let the paint dry for a couple days on the walls and laundry basket holder.
This remodel will work for the next couple years until we decide to gut the whole area and put up drywall instead of paneling but for only $150 this laundry room "facelift" will work just fine until then.
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