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The Egg Shack

On our farm we have free range chickens.  In fact we have about 30 laying hens.  They lay far more eggs than we can eat so we sell the extra eggs.  When we originally started selling them people from Facebook or Craigslist would have to text me and then set up a time to come by and get them.  Often times those people would come inside my home, which can be a nervous experience, so my husband built a small shack that has a mini fridge in it that buyers can just drive up to and purchase the eggs at anytime without having to contact me.  We already had the mini fridge but it had some rust on the bottom so I took some rolls of duct tape and covered the entire front of the fridge.  We purchase a lock box that people can just leave the money in.  We also bought a plastic holder for our farm brochures in case anyone wants more information about our other farm services. 

If you are curious our website is


  1. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I love your egg shack! Great idea to have the $ box and the info box on the inside.

  2. Where did you get your money box?

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      On Amazon. Search for charity money box.

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    How do you keep people from just taking the eggs and not leaving the money or just leaving $1 and taking all the eggs? I told my husband I would be interested in doing this but it does scare me a bit.
