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Cat Themed Birthday Party

My daughter wanted a cat themed birthday party so here it is.  It was a lot of work but it was fun.  Below are photos with short explanations.

The kids tried to guess how many M&Ms were in the jar and the one who got closest won a small prize.

Each kid got a cat ears headband.  (Click here for the tutorial)

I bought cheap boas at Walmart and cut them into three pieces and used a safety pin to attach them to each kids pants as cat tails.

Each kids received a bottle of bubbles.

Each kid also "adopted" a cat.  I bought the cat stuffed animals and printed out "adoption certificates".  I also bought buckets from Dollar Tree so they could put them in.

I bought initial charms and beads so that each girl could make a cat collar for their new cat stuffed animals.

Each kid took home a Hershey's bar.

I hid these small mouse cat toys around the house and whoever found the most received a small prize.


Just a picture of the decorated craft room where the party was mostly at.

I bought the above streamer that said Happy 1st Birthday so I just printed out a different number and glued it on.



I bought milk cups to serve the drinks in and colorful straws that I attached little flags to.

To see how I made the cake click here.

1 comment:

  1. Cat theme is great and preparation ideas are amazing too. Looking for some home studios NYC for our friend's get together after exams next month. Will have a funny party with lots of music and dance whole night. Have to look for dinner and different snack items for such long party.
